You found Cyn's Interests, a site to display and share my activities and interests. Also a way
to advertise my willingness to help you learn MicroSoft Office application skills.
Click on the tabs above to see more about my areas of interest.
I can introduce you to building and using spreadsheets, writing newsletters, creating slide shows, or organizing a database.
I can show examples that might inspire you with new ideas of your own. I can help you navigate the basics and help you with more
advanced levels of skill. Want to know more this tutoring service? Email me at
I like to organize information in databases, keep track of things in spreadsheets, make fliers, forms,
and signs, and create my own business cards. I can teach you how to do these things.
I have written creative nonfiction stories about relatives. For academic papers, I analyzed literature and history.
I can help you with improving your writing skills via layout suggestions, grammar, editing, and proof reading.
I am a philatelist who likes to collect stamps, and create first day covers. I use MS Office apps to organize,
write about, and produce competitive exhibits of my material.